What is your quarantine state of mind?
Just taking it all one day at a time. We don’t know what’s going to happen, nor is there a set end in sight, so I think it’s important to stay positive and strong.
What is a typical day for Sangita Patel in self-isolation?
A typical day in self-isolation hasn’t been very typical! Each day is different. Producing ET Canada remotely with our all-new ET Canada at Home episodes keeps me busy while my two daughters keep occupied with online schooling. Evenings are our family time, the quality time I didn’t always have when I was frequently travelling for work. Each day is different, which keeps me on my feet!
Tell us about producing ET Canada at Home?
We have been actively working to determine how best to produce content remotely and figuring out the lighting, camera angles, making sure I have the updated copy in my prompter, sourcing the best locations to film in the house, and more. Learning to produce a television show from Home has undoubtedly been challenging.
What do you fear the most during this trying time?
My biggest fear is the unknown– “what will our new normal be”?

My biggest fear is the unknown– "what will our new normal be"? Sangita Patel

What do you miss the most during this time?
I miss everyone! I want to hang out with people, I want to hug people, I want to have in-person conversations. The intimacy with others is what I miss the most, to be able to connect.
COVID 19 will be a part of history, why do you think it is important to record it?
We need to record this critical time in our life because we need to learn from this and use this experience to become better. We can learn something from every milestone that happens in life. We are learning about humanity and how people come together during trying times.
What are you doing to stay positive and motivated?
My mantra, in general, has always been to keep a positive mind. It’s the outlook I’ve always held, and it’s what keeps me going. In terms of staying motivated, I am very fortunate to be still working from home, which keeps me moving. Fitness is also an essential factor in keeping myself motivated, it makes me feel better afterward, both mentally and physically.
What is something positive that has happened due to self-isolation in your life?
I had a moment early on when I was feeling very overwhelmed, and wanted to be able to help in the community. After a phone call with Nav Bhatia, I began volunteering to deliver meals to front-line healthcare workers at long term care centres, food banks, shelters, and other places where staff or residents were in need.
How have you been staying “social”?
Right before this all happened, I had just begun to make more effort to reach out to friends and family more and stay more connected. Calling, texting, direct messaging – checking in on the people I care. It’s funny that I started this recently because now it doesn’t feel out of the norm to make more calls and connections on the phone or video calls with family.
Are you living in your PJs, or taking the time to get dressed up?
If I didn’t need to dress up for work, I’d be in my PJs all day long! I even sometimes exercise in my PJs! I love to be in comfortable clothing, because before with my job, it wasn’t often that I could. So even though I do dress up for work, I’m still wearing PJ pants and socks underneath!
What do you think the impact of coronavirus will be, the changes to the world?
This time is going to be (and has been) a big learning curve for our society. It is clear that we weren’t prepared to deal with a pandemic and the impact that it would have on us–the long term changes it will have on the way we live is unknown. One thing it has given us is to make us pause and assess what is important in our lives.
Life at home while under quarantine means many routines are changing. What has changed for you from your regular habits?
The most significant change to my routine has been the travel. It has always been a huge part of my job. I have never been at home for this long before, and I’m discovering my Home. Being on the road can be tiring, and staying in one place has been incredible.
What are some aspects of your daily routine that have not changed?
To stay positive and motivated, taking the time to work out. Keeping my body moving and making sure that I prioritize that in my schedule is very important to me.

What is the first thing you will do after this quarantine?
I want to see my parents! I want to see my family and hug them. I want to hang out with my mom in the kitchen, and eat her food again!
What will you miss from the quarantine experience?
I’ll miss spending so much consistent time with my children. I’ve never had the opportunity to spend time like this with them before, and I’m rediscovering what it means to be a mom to my two girls. I love being a homebody, and I like having the majority of my schedule be here, it’s a great feeling that I’ll miss.