–The Future of Fashion

The year of COVID-19 will be forever marked as a time that impacted every aspect of every individual’s life in society– from the way we work, live and learn. It reminded us of humanity’s interdependence in this changing world. As we all continue to navigate our changing world, how the industries operate has changed and evolved following the global pandemic, including Fashion. The industry has realized its shortcomings and has been forced to rethink, reset, and approach Fashion differently. And this is the way forward for the future of Fashion.
However, how each individual, brand, or company chooses to interact with Fashion is different while still leading the way forward, coming together towards a more conscious and resilient future.
As the fashion industry reevaluates itself in the wake of an emergency, its interconnectedness poses a threat of forcing out smaller brands.
To make sure the future of small independent brands is just as secure, we must support and take inspiration and pride in their views. FORWARD, as an independent magazine with an independent voice, we’re allowed to recognize and endorse independent talents– voices with creative and forward ways of doing things.
We bring all industry creatives together despite their size, volume, weight or status– because it is in individual creativity that we take inspiration from and believe is the way forward.
We reach another milestone as we bring forth our special ISSUE that celebrates two alternate COVER for the same edition.
We have never been more proud of the “diverse and all-encompassing content” we have put together.

With the edition” WAY FORWARD,” we bring hopes for the future of the fashion industry.
To Our Future!