Get Stylish with Stylist Lena Nova
Style is more than the clothes that you wear. It is your Personality, Power and Presence.
What is your definition of Style?
Aside from all the witty aphorisms, for me, the Style has two fundamental aspects–
First, Style reflects the harmony of your inner self and appearance. It is your way to show the unique you. If these two sides of us work well together, then we enjoy the unique Style and charisma.
Second, Style allows us to reach goals in life’s many aspects. It is the instrument of influence. It impacts our understanding of ourselves, people we meet, and, even, events in our life. It is an excellent resource of inner confidence and comfort.

How Would You Describe Your Style?
My Style today is a culmination of experience and experimentation with various styles over the years. My current is the result, I hope successful, of these experiments. I navigate from sport chic and smart casual to elegant, depending on the context. I love laconic shapes, and I play with colours a lot.
Do you have a style muse?
There are a lot of women I admire. But it is their talent that I admire– the way their brain works, their mojo, or their business skills. I have yet to meet my style idol.
The signature piece that defines your Style?
Oversized earrings. I have built up a vast collection of oversized earrings that I edit very often. It is a very modern and powerful accessory whose simple shape does wonders for my short pixie haircut. It rescues a dull look and adds an effortless finishing touch to an image. This fabulous jewelry has the power to make it extremely easy to change the style direction and accentuate facial features.
How to discover personal Style?
Your Style is a sum of your physical features, lifestyle, and your goals–its priority runs above Fashion. Pay attention to yourself– understand yourself, spell it out, figure out your temperament as part of the process. Your image should be the essence of it.
Play and experiment with styles and listen to yourself at the same time. Take note of the clothes which make you feel comfortable and the styles and colours that get you the most compliments.

We all want to look our best, but for some of us, finding a look that suits us best is difficult at any age. What should we do?
If you have a hard time finding an optimal look and can not figure out why–most likely, you are failing at knowledge of the technical side– learn about your colours, camouflage techniques, and body flaws in the visual correction. We all have features that only needs to be shown off right. Some nuances that we can neutralize if it can not be turned into advantages.
There is a wealth of information that you can pick up on the internet – blogs, training courses, challenges. You will easily find the information on body visual correction with the clothing and accessories you need.
The other way, the shortcut, if you will, is to get a professional consultation from a stylist– which is more personalized.
How do you choose what looks work for each client?
Choosing the right look for a client is far beyond picking things that just coordinated well. There are more factors at play!
I take into consideration the technical (body type, facial features, complimenting colours), and creative (personality, lifestyle, life aspirations) aspects of each individual.
And the KEY detail is the question–how do you want the world to see you? What image do you want to project? And that is the essential element to consider, and even if it conflicts with anything else on the list, it will still take precedence.
Ageism in the fashion industry. Comment.

What are the mistakes women make when it comes to their wardrobes, as they age?
There are two main mistakes that I often see when working with golden age clients:
They entirely and utterly ignore Fashion!– feel too old to look stylish, or are afraid to stand out, and they give up on themselves. hence the dull dark clothes rendering them invisible.
They Ignore age, and the changes it brings with it. Instead of accepting themselves and loving for who they are, they try to cling to youth using clothes that are not relevant anymore. The result, in most cases, looks a touch comical.
Age doesn’t define a woman. Comment on how you think styles evolve as one gets older?
Personal Style should evolve with us. Sad is the life of the person who hasn’t grown over the years. Style becomes with us. It is not only about age, but It is also more about our experience and emotional wealth – kindness, experience, our wit, understanding of life and inner freedom. A woman in her elegant age should project Love and Self-acceptance.
The majority of my beautiful clients are women in their 40’s to 60’s. These are the women who understand themselves and society; they also know what THEY want and are socially accomplished–given a big part of themselves to their families, communities, and careers. They took their rightful place in life. For them, it is time to take care of themselves, love themselves and express their inner beauty. They are not looking for anyone’s approval. They want to feel confident, beautiful and free every day.
The Style in the golden age becomes smarter. Learn about the technical side of Style first–this way, you understand what cut(s) work for you.
Next, and I will never get tired of repeating this–listen to yourself. It is vital to be in harmony with yourself to bring out your fashion personality.

If it is all so personal, what is the difference between styling in advanced age and younger Fashion?
All trends have to have something of a classic and elegant look, but as one age, we have to be a bit more careful with that casual look! Yes, we can wear ripped jeans, but combine them with something more elegant and timeless, like for example, a well-cut blazer and classic pumps.
In general, be more careful with colours. Get to know the colours that make you look more attractive and healthier. Pay more attention to your body. The quality of the fabric is essential. Choose flexibility in motion.
Your motto should read “Quality over Quantity.”
Fashion is not restrictive to age. I do not believe that there are things you can’t wear at a certain age. The trick is how you present them. This is Style.